Don't know what you got till it's gone

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Brick By boring brick

Keep your feet on the ground...
When your head's in the clouds :)

Spoken by the 'LEGEN (wait for it) DARY' hehe that was a Barney quote. Not the purple dinosaur... But anyway. I think Hayley had a point when she thought of those lyrics. I guess it means, Don't be such a douche because everyone gives you the attention. What you do with that attention impact you and people that don't like you :) Hate to break it to you but it is true. So anyways. TODAY! (Yes today ;D) I RE-WROTE HISTORY! I'm officially in High School! It felt good.... But anyway, I hope this year was going to e awesome and hopefully it will be. It's just... I'M NOT IN ANY CLASSES WITH MY FRIENDS :'( Well that's not entirely true. But I wish I had more people that I knew in my classes. So yeah... I hope tomorrow rocks. Minus Biology... Who multiplied Science? Like Seriously? Bio, Chem AND Physics. SUE ME!

Bury the castle guys. Bury the castle ;)

Friday, August 20, 2010

Who the heck is THAT ;) FINAL COUNTDOWN

Yes, As it goes. Summer brings new people. And by new people I mean H.O.N.Y. (Amelia know's what i'm talking bout XD ) I have seen MANY this vacation and am satisfied. Lol but anyway. Summer is counting down and I'm having a ad case of butterflies just thinking about it now :D I shall be counting down with the timer on my profile :D Anyway, It's been a good week hung out with new people and some old one ;) Hannah, Tilly and i went to the empire for a day (huge resort and country club) of fun and then back to Hannah's for some FUN :P We took Nellie for a walk and then fearlessly went to an Indian shop "near by" but it took us an hour XD So yeah.. I'm so excited! And AMELIA IF YOU READ THIS CALL ME ASAP :D the home phone cause i don't have my phone anymore... Hehehe. This is why: YOU ARE CORDIALLY INVITED TO MY HOUE ON the 23rd for TOTAL JAM PACKED ACTION! ;) xxxx
I also Have a new blog but it's mainly for photo's and stuf but let me tell ya, it's AWESOME so check it out! here's the link:
BTYL (blog to ya later)

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Ecstatic when there's nothing to be ecstatic about ;)

Ok. So I lied. Ther's alot to be ecstatic about. Just loving life. This mornig I realised that there more to EVERYTHING than what we see. I was an eco freak for a few minutes in the car driving home from dance (It went well! We pretty much finished the avatar dance :D plus i perfected my turn on the tip of my toes it's called a "pique" ;D ) I looked outside and saw lamp post jabbed into the ground. Wouldn't the Earth be like, "OW!" I know i would... But anyway.. My last post was all about lost friendships and to me and Amelia's astonishment that friendship is somehow revived. Or on it's way there. It's kinda like Amelia's room is Vegas, except it doesn't stay in Amelia's room. :P I had loads of fun yesterday with her. We went to the yacht clb and hung there for few hours. With Luke and Oscar and Adrian. It was TRE awesome :P We went on the hobbicat and I got hit by the BOOM (wonder why it's called that...) And we went out in a storm got splashed and I was feeling so angelina jolie swinging on the edges of the boat type, thing. Until I almost fell off. That's when I felt like I should've been in Get Smart rather than tomb raider :P So yeah. A pretty good week this week. And Neighbor is back today! I'm can't wait to see him. He says he hasn't gotten taller but I doubt it. :P e's probably a giant. Dramatic changes can take place in under a month you know ;) It's happened with all my friends I haven't seen in a while :)
Good change. Very good change.
xx GB (stands for God Bless) ;)

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Confused About something that should mean nothing.Fallin 4 you :)

Have you ever felt like you had a friend from many moons ago and you grew apart but you never wanted to grow apart but you did and now everything they do invovling you seems confusing? Kinda like if they talk to you it feels like christmas. Or when something you're both involved in comes up and you have to work together. Or. when they don't reply to a message or conversation starter. Yeah, It hurts ALOT. But I';m left in the dark here. Does this person (we'll call it bob). EHEM. Does Bob hate me? Dislike me? Is too shy to talk to me. Thinks they are above me? I DON'T KNOW! AND IT' DRIVING ME CRAZY!!!!!!!!! Why won't they give me a clue..... A hint. SOMETHING TO MAKE ME A HAPPY CAMPER. It sucks... And i'm miss Bob. I miss it so much When I think of all the embarrassing, funny, crazy moments I've spent with them It hurts. I hope one day Bob and I become something again. Friends. THAT'S THE WORD! :) It would be awesome to be their friend again. Second chances...
xxx GB